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Please join the Flea Street Band as we provide A Beatles Workshop to teach the June Meetup songs for “All The Beatles”. You will learn how to take the playing of these songs to the next level by learning vocal harmonies and how to play the intro and riffs and become more confident playing the songs at the June Meetup. Linda/Astrid (singing), Patter (percussion) and Glenn(Blackbird/riffs) will be our instructors.
You will learn to sing in harmony to:
*Norwegian Wood
*If I Fell
You will learn how to play the intro and riffs to:
*And other Beatles songs such as Act Naturally, Norwegian Wood, Let It Be, Something and Here Comes the Sun.
You will learn to play percussion using drums to these songs. Some loaner drums will be available to use, or bring your own.
We will have a mini jam session to play some of these songs at the end of the workshop. This workshop is sure to be informative and fun! We hope you can join us for this unique learning opportunity!

Links to the materials and songs that will be covered are included below. We encourage you to view the videos beforehand.

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